2 Feb 2011

19 Contoh Idiom Bahasa Inggris Part 14

Teman, dibawah ada 19 idiom yang cukup familiar. Supaya makin jago bahasa Inggris yu kita hafal satu persatu...! :)
  1. no matter = tidak perduli/peduli (no matter now busy you are, you have to spend at least one hour every day to practise your english)
  2. no doubt = tidak sangsi lagi (it’s no doubt to make friend with her)
  3. off and on (kadang2 kita dengar juga on and off) = sekali-sekali, sebentar-sebentar, kadang-kadang muncul kadang tenggelam( we see each other just off and on) or (the signal simpati always on and off)
  4. off duty = bebas tugas, ( i am off duty today or i will be off duty for 3 days next week)
  5. for once and for all = sekali dan untuk selama-lamanya
  6. on condition = dengan syarat(i’ll lend you the money on condition that you must pay it back next month)
  7. on duty = sedang tugas/berdinas(where is iwan ? he is on duty)
  8. on one’s mind = dalam hati/pikiran (i am very glad you tell me about it, because it has been on my mind for long)
  9. on purpose = sengaja(i am sorry. i didn’t do it on purpose)
  10. intentionally than = daripada kesengajaan
  11. on sale = dijual obral/ murah(many shops have their goods on sale)\
  12. on the spot = ditempat kejadian (nine people died on the spot in the accident)
  13. on trial = dalam percobaan (the new invitation is on trial)
  14. open heart = jujur, dgn hati terbuka(i accept with an open heart to what she says)
  15. open secret = bukan rahasia lagi(the news about her dismissal is an open secret)
  16. out of order = rusak, tak bisa dipakai lagi
  17. out of stock = habis persediaan
  18. over age = lewat umur, ketuaan
  19. under age = dibawah umur, masih muda, kemudaan
semoga bermanfaat... :D

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Bagi rekan-rekan yang punya pertanyaan, masukan, usulan, unek-unek, apapun itu yang sekiranya bermanfaat untuk membuka wawasan kita dalam bahasa inggris silahkan share aja ya,,,,
Thanks alot in advance,,,